Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Beach Diaries - Day 3


I am a very patriotic person.  I love our country.  Every time I stand to hear "The Star Spangled Banner" I get chills and tears in my eyes...yes, even after all of the baseball games I have been to, it still hasn't lost its meaning.  We are blessed to have men and women choosing to serve and protect our country.  My dad spent 20 years in the Air Force.  I am sure this is where my patriotic roots began.  So what does this have to do with being at the beach???  For the last couple of days my family has been blessed to have a Marine with us.  My nephew, Tyler, was able to come visit for a few days. 

Trying to get a picture of him is not an easy feat.  Be ready for a flow of goofy grins, "serious" thinking, and manly muscles.  It's model-mania when you point the camera his way! But he's so much fun.

Tyler had to leave tonight to go back to base.  Spending time with him has served as a reminder that all of our men and women in uniform have families, hobbies and personalities.  They take their jobs seriously, however, let's not forget that they are sons, daughters, husbands, wives, nieces, nephews, etc.  I am so grateful for Tyler and his decision to serve our country.

Tyler - I am so proud of you.  You bring honor to our family.  You have earned your title and place in the Marine Corps.  It hasn't been easy, but you have endured.  You are courageous and brave and we love you!

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